Acolyte: Serves by lighting and extinguishing the Christ candle and candles on the altar table during 8:30 and 11:00 services
Altar Guild: Prepares the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for worship by setting up communion table, preparing pew notebooks, and checking candles and paraments
A/V and Sound: Runs sound and projector screen
Bread Ministry: Provides bread for visitors at Sunday morning worship services
Children's Church Assistants: Leads children in a planned lesson and activity during the second half of the 8:30 and 11:00 worship services
Communion Assistants: Serves communion alongside Reverend Minnick during worship services
Liturgists: Assists in scripture reading and call to worship (as needed) during worship services
Ushers: Greets people as they arrive to services, assists people with special needs, collects offering, and helps with communion dismissal
Backpack Buddies: Provides meals for children to take home over the weekend during the school year
Blood Donor: Gives blood at our blood drives
Great Minds Volunteer: Chaperones and plans programs for our afterschool program
Card Ministry: Writes cards to members of our congregation
Food Ministry: Provides meals for congregation members in need
Family Promise Van Driver: Provides morning and evening transportation in our church van
Garden Club: Maintains the church grounds
Contact Deborah Horton to volunteer or fill out form below!