Inclement Weather Policy
Regularly Scheduled Worship Services
The personal safety of our community is of utmost importance, especially during and after adverse weather conditions. Attendees are urged in the strongest terms possible to use their own discretion and judgement at all times in determining if conditions warrant attendance to regular worship services.
In such conditions, it shall be at the Senior Pastor’s discretion whether to hold, reduce in number or cancel regularly scheduled worship services. If adverse conditions warrant, a single Sunday morning service shall be held at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary. Childcare shall not be offered for this service.
Church staff shall be responsible for informing the congregation of worship service status as soon as is practical. At a minimum, this shall be done through updates to the Church’s website and answering machine, emails to the Church’s email recipient list and notification to WRAL for posting on its television broadcast and website. Church staff shall coordinate with the Communications Committee as necessary to notify the church community.
If the potential for adverse weather exists, church staff shall notify the church community as to current status regardless whether or not services are to be cancelled. At a minimum this shall be done through updates to the church’s website and emails.
In all adverse weather notifications to the church community, church staff is urged to use the following (or similar) statement: “We ask that you please use your personal discretion to determine if it is safe for you to leave your home and travel to church.”
Other Church Activities
The personal safety of our community is of utmost importance, especially during and after adverse weather conditions. Attendees are urged in the strongest terms possible to use their own discretion and judgement at all times in determining if conditions warrant attendance to other church activities.
In such conditions, it shall be at the Group Leader’s discretion whether to hold or cancel the group activity.
The Group Leader is responsible for notifying those involved in the activity. Group Leaders are reminded to cancel scheduled childcare should they cancel their group activity.