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Why come to Pleasant Grove? 

At PGUMC we strive to be the body of Christ who welcomes all. Following Jesus’ example, we celebrate the sacred worth and dignity of all persons. If you are just wondering about God and want to learn more, you are welcome here. If you have been a believer your whole life, you are welcome here. If you have questions, you are welcome here. Through worship, programming for all ages, and an all-inclusive approach, we hope to reach all through hospitality, engage all in ministry, and enable all to grow spiritually.


What does it mean to be Methodist? 

John Wesley and the early Methodists were particularly concerned about inviting people to experience God’s grace and to grow in their knowledge and love of God through disciplined Christian living. They placed primary emphasis on Christian living, on putting faith and love into action. This emphasis on what Wesley referred to as “practical divinity” has continued to be a hallmark of United Methodism today. The distinctive shape of our theological heritage can be seen not only in this emphasis on Christian living, but also in Wesley’s distinctive understanding of God’s saving grace. Although Wesley shared with many other Christians a belief in salvation by grace, he combined them in a powerful way to create distinctive emphases for living the full Christian life.


Is there a dress code? 

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in.  That could mean your “Sunday best” or blue jeans. We just want you to be comfortable while we worship together.


What is communion? 

Communion is a celebratory act of our community in which we give thanks for the ever-abiding presence of God's spirit and the all-inclusive reach of God's grace. Communion at Pleasant Grove is practiced by a process we call intinction. As one comes forward to the front of the sanctuary they will take the bread given to them, a symbol of the body of Christ that was broken for us,  and dip it in the cup, a symbol of the blood of Christ that was shed for us, before partaking. 


How does PGUMC operate? Who makes the decisions? 

Pleasant Grove finds its structure in the United Methodist Church's Book of Discipline. Staff, along with committees, lead the congregation in decision-making. The Administrative Council is the overarching administrative body comprised of staff and committee heads. 


How can I get involved? 

There are several ways to get involved at Pleasant Grove! We offer several Bible studies during the week as well as Sunday School classes on Sunday mornings. We have large and small groups that come together for various fellowship and outreach events throughout the year. Volunteering to help with worship is also a great way to get involved and meet people. For more information on ways to get involved that fit your personality, contact Deborah Horton.


What do you offer for children? 

During worship, we offer a variety of choices for children. A nursery is available during all services in Room 102E of the Education Building. For children who like to stay in the service, special worship bags and activity sheets are available to help with the wiggles. At our 8:30 and 11:00 services, we offer a special children's time where children are invited to the front for a short lesson with Pastor Jay and Ashley. After children's time, children four years of age to first grade are welcome to attend Children's Church where they will receive a short Bible lesson followed by playtime until the end of the service. Children can be picked up from Children's Church in room 101E of the Education building. At the 9:45 service, Sunday school is offered simultaneously for all ages. 


We also love to get kids involved in worship through acolyting, ushering, and music! We have two children's choirs at Pleasant Grove that meet on Sunday afternoons and perform once a month. Our Cherub Choir is for children age 2-Kindergarten and our Children's Choir includes children 1st-5th grade.


During the year, we offer several events sponsored by our Children's Council. These typically include an Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School, a Fall Festival, and an Advent Craft Workshop. Also, during the year we have a 3rd-5th grade youth group, Quest, that meets once a month as well as a Family Mission Night that offers families a service project and a meal. 


What do you offer for youth?

On Sunday mornings, we have a youth Sunday school class that meets in our Education Building. During worship we encourage youth to participate by acolyting, reading scripture, ushering, volunteering with Children's Church, and helping with our A/V booth.


On Sunday evenings, we have both a middle school youth group (MSYG) and a high school youth group (HSYG) that meet to enjoy fellowship, fun, good discussion, and outreach. 


What safety measures do you take for kids and youth? 

Pleasant Grove adheres to a Safe Sanctuary policy that creates a community of faith where children and adults can grow safe and strong. Specific measures we take to ensure safety are having two adults in all rooms where children and youth gather and requiring background checks for those adults that have regular interactions with our children and youth. To see more specifics to our policy, click here.  


8:30 a.m. First Service

in Sanctuary


9:45 a.m. Middle Service

in Fellowship Hall


11:00 a.m. Late Service

in Sanctuary and on YouTube



4415 Pleasant Grove Church Road

Raleigh, NC  27613


Telephone:  919-787-7763




Office Hours

Monday - Thursday:

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. - noon


AARP Tax Aide:  919-410-6286


The Hyder House is located at 

4400 Pleasant Grove Church Road



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