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Administrative Council
  • Provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church

  • Provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life

  • Envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church

  • Functions as the administrative agency of the charge conference

  • The Council has primary responsibilities for creating and sustaining the congregation’s plan for discipleship. This includes:

    • Working with the pastor and staff to build a shared vision for discipleship

    • Plan ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness that help the congregation live its God-given vision

    • Ensure that these ministries are aligned with the mission of disciple making

    • Allocate human and material resources for implementing the ministry plan

    • Provide an administrative infrastructure

    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the ministry plan

    • Act as the administrative agency of the charge conference

Board of Trustees
  • Oversee, maintain, and supervise all local church property

  • Report annually to the charge conference on the state of the church’s property, equipment, investments, and resources

  • Receive and administer all gifts made to the congregation; make certain that all trust funds of the congregation are invested properly

  • Ensure that the articles of incorporation of the congregation are kept up-to-date, if applicable

  • Be responsible, in conjunction with the pastor, for all use of the church buildings and grounds

  • Maintain adequate insurance coverage on all church property and develop appropriate risk management policies

  • Submit to the committee on finance the annual budget requests for insurance, property maintenance and improvement, and new property purchases

  • Be accountable to the Charge Conference and to the Administrative Council

Finance Committee
  • Provide financial direction

  • Provide for the annual funding program

  • Provide the program budget

  • Provide financial communications (church bulletin, offertory announcements, newsletter, giving statements, etc)

  • Provide for financial reports and substantiation

Staff Parish Relations Committee
  • The SPRC works with individuals and groups, including: the lead pastor, all ordained leaders (Elders and Deacons), lay staff, the congregation, candidates for licensed ministry, the outside community, the District Superintendent, and the UMC Conference and general church staff

  • Specific tasks are to:

    • Educate and remind both the staff and the congregation to focus on working together toward the mission of the church by promoting unity and encouraging, strengthening, nurturing, supporting, and respecting the pastor(s), staff, and their families

    • Lead conversations between the congregation and the staff/pastor about ministry direction, including recommendations about staff positions to carry out the work of the church

    • Develop and recommend written policy and procedures on employment of non-appointed staff, including provision for insurance, pension, and severance pay

    • Assess job performance of the staff/pastor at least annually for the purpose of realigning staff position descriptions with the mission of the church

    • Confer and consult with the District Superintendent

    • Support lifelong learning and spiritual renewal for all staff (continuing education)

    • Identify and support individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry.

Preschool Board
  • The Preschool operates as an outreach mission of PGUMC

  • Act as a link between the church and the Preschool

  • The Board supports the Director as needed to facilitate preschool policy, budgetary guidance, and special projects as requested by the Director

  • Employees/parents may address the board in writing and receive a written response following the next scheduled board meeting

Communications Committee
  • Promote the church’s mission through communications

  • Coordinate communications to and from members (print/electronic newsletters, announcements)

  • Share information about members (bulletin boards, special recognitions)

  • Promote church-related events and opportunities to church members to get their participation or involvement

  • Promote events and opportunities sponsored by the church to the community

  • Make suggestions and contributions to the church’s website

  • Explore and implement creative ways to tell others about all ministries going on at PGUMC

Congregational Care Committee
  • Seek to know and understand the needs of the congregation as a whole

  • Address needs regarding bereavement care, funeral plans, meals for families, etc

  • Help to visit the “in crowd” (shut-ins)

  • Meet the needs of new parents (gifts for new moms, etc)

  • Provide fellowship opportunities for the church family as a whole (5th Sunday luncheons)

  • Help to address other needs including grief care, divorce care, etc

Nominations & Lay Leadership Committee
  • ​Identify the gifts and strengths of persons in the congregation

  • Develop their gifts and skills and nurture them in their mission or ministry roles

  • Deploy persons according to their gifts and passion in areas of service within the church, community, and world

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of their service and provide necessary training and support

  • Monitor the progress of their development and celebrate their accomplishments and service

Outreach Committee
  • Develop a continuous, year-round program of mission education so that the congregation will be better informed, more knowledgeable, and more motivated to be supportive of the mission outreach of the church

  • Identify the needs of your community, your country, and your world and engage your congregation in mission opportunities that seek to address these needs

  • Seek to expand your congregation’s mission and benevolence budget and ensure that your congregation is provided every opportunity to participate financially in God’s mission through the church

Church & Society Committee
  • Keep Administrative Council aware of needs for study and action on a variety of issues

  • Recommend to Administrative Council social concerns studies or action projects

  • Cooperate with other ministry teams in your congregation to survey the needs of the local community and to make program recommendations that will help your church respond to local, community, state, national, and international needs

  • Stay in contact with district, conference, and general church groups working on social issues and providing action suggestions and educational resources


Children's Council
  • Study the needs of children

  • Ensure the safety of children involved in the congregation's ministries

  • Think through and plan possible program ministries with children

  • Talk and work with children and parents or other interested adults

  • Serve as the planning and implementing team for special children's projects and programs

  • Identify those with gifts for working with children and invite them to serve

  • Address the needs of special children

  • Write, revise, implement, and track policies that influence children's ministries

Youth Council
  • Evaluating the youth ministry and making recommendations so that present and future needs of youth are addressed​

  • Serving as a clearinghouse for coordinating and scheduling all youth events

  • Keeping the various groups for youth informed

  • Planning special events or projects to include all youth related to the congregation's ministry

  • Supervising designated ongoing activities




8:30 a.m. First Service

in Sanctuary


9:45 a.m. Middle Service

in Fellowship Hall


11:00 a.m. Late Service

in Sanctuary and on YouTube



4415 Pleasant Grove Church Road

Raleigh, NC  27613


Telephone:  919-787-7763




Office Hours

Monday - Thursday:

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. - noon


AARP Tax Aide:  919-410-6286


The Hyder House is located at 

4400 Pleasant Grove Church Road



  • YouTube

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